In addition to proprietary designed products, Almae Technologies offers access to its high-end platform to third parties for co-designed product development and technology services for customer designed product.
Using its well equiped technological platform, Almae technologies supplies individual process steps or bundle of process steps like:
- Gratings definition (E-beam writings, semiconductor etching, epitaxial regrowth)
- Backend process, facet coatings
- Lithography, metal/dielectric deposition, dielectric/semiconductor etching

Custom design
Almae Technologies internal design team has a long standing and world recognized expertise on integrated photonic circuits design. Our offer covers the following services:
- Design of epitaxial heterostructures
- Architecture and foundry compatible mask design for DFB Lasers, electroabsorption modulators, optical amplifiers, directly modulator lasers, passive components, photodetectors or any photonic circuits integrating these functions
- Custom technological process in clean room using our platform
- Flip chip or hybridation compatible designs for integration in larger photonic circuits (expertise used in three external projects: MASSTART, APPLAUSE and IRT Nanoelec)
Pure Play Fondry
Based on its state of the art platform, Almae also offers to its customer pure play InP foundry services such as:
- MOVPE or MBE epitaxial growth (Phosphorus or Aluminum based quaternary materials), regrowth for buried gratings, butt-joint integration, and waveguide overgrowth
- Clean Room fabrication
- Backend packaging and electro-optics characterizations (LIV, optical spectrum, bandwidth, eye diagram) for preliminary qualifications of prototypes

Please contact us to learn more about Almae Technologies services.